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Smiling Teenage Boy

Family Services

Gay Family

Habilitation Services

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Family Services Program

Our goal is to help families stay together. We work with parents and kids - offering mental health services, and assistance and building parenting skills to create a more stable and safe environment for the family.  Our family support program works with the parents and caregivers who want to become better – who recognize they need growth and are willing to do the work to improve. Our programs teach parents and caregivers how to build trust, maintain respect and develop a relationship with their kids. Sometimes this involves learning the basics of parenting and sometimes it is helping parents navigate the complex judicial process, but in every interaction, we are there to help

Family Support Program

Family support services are based on the understanding that families want the best for their children.  However, families sometimes experience situations where the court becomes involved.  Court involvement doesn’t always mean the children are removed but in many cases they are.  Families often face additional challenges, including comprising escalated trauma, outstanding stress, social isolation, and financial strain.  In these cases, families can become overwhelmed, and find it difficult to navigate the court system and gain social and emotional support for themselves.  

Supported Supervised Visitation

Supported supervised visitation is when the parent is only permitted to visit with their child or children in the presence of another individual. The visit may take place at the parents, home, in the community, or in our visitation facility. The purpose of supervised visitation is to provide a structured environment that is safe and comfortable to help maintain contact and relationship.

Child Parent Psychotherapy

Child-Parent Psychotherapy is a type of therapy for children under the age of six who have experienced intense stress or a traumatic event.  In Child-Parent Psychotherapy, at least one parent or caregiver participates with the child as fears, stress, and trauma are processed through play. 

Habilitation Services Program

Habilitation services are health care services that help with learning, improving, and embracing basic daily skills and abilities. For a variety of reasons, a person's, growth and development may have been delayed.  f Habilation services help individuals become as independent as possible within their ability. Habilitative services, help individuals, acquire new talents and function for the first time. These services often include assisting with communication, daily living, and mental health needs.  

Oppotunities Program

This program supports individuals who desire to live independently.  Group Homes and Extended Family Homes are excellent options for some but do not fit the needs of everyone.  Many individuals can live on their own with just a little support.  Our Opportunities program is the answer in cases like this. Opportunities' staff teach, guide, and counsel individuals in all areas needed to maintain an independent lifestyle.  This may sometimes mean teaching how to cook, keeping the living space clean, taking medications regularly and correctly, healthy living skills, help to get to and from work, and other lessons.  Individuality is a hallmark of this program.  No one is forced to do anything. Our staff works with each individual to determine their goals. 

Best Friends Program

Our unique Best Friends program assigns each person with a trained staff member who develops skill-building exercises that enhance their strengths and builds upon their needs. A person-centered plan is created to provide family living services to help youth and adults live as independently as possible while working on their goals. Services include teaching skills and providing supervision so individuals learn to feed themselves, adopt personal hygiene skills, and grow in their communication. Community is a big part of this program too, our Best Friends attend school, visit the zoo and socialize with each other on a regular basis.

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