Last fall, we made the decision to close our girls home after years of decreasing enrollment. This spring, after much internal discussion and through difficult reflection, we have decided to move forward with closing our group boys home and school as well. This decision is not one that we came to lightly; however, it is one we feel best positions Youth Care & Beyond to continue to provide services to families throughout the community for years to come. Over the past year, we have seen decreasing enrollment in our group homes and financial reimbursement models have not been sustainable to continue to provide care moving forward. Additionally, we have struggled to find qualified team members to work in our group homes, leading to increased turnover and putting a strain on our operating structure.
While this was a difficult decision to make, we are confident it is the right decision to position us for future growth and it better aligns our services with the state’s mission to keep kids within their family homes. We are confident this change will allow us to refocus our efforts and expand our capabilities to provide family support to a larger group of individuals within their homes.